Students from 1st Bach prepared an interview in English for students of 4th and 3rd of ESO in our school. The questions were on use and usage of mobile phones.
Results were also presented as an essay.
Here you have the instructions of the activity:
WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY is celebrated the 10th of October.
– You are going to prepare an interview in pairs for your pals of 4th ESO on the issue: «Are you addicted to your phone?»; It should have at least 20 questions. We ALL should use the SAME questions. Go to the file in drive to add ideas for the questions.–
You will need to record a podcast with the interview. Remember to record his or her explicit permission to record his or her voice.
– After checking the results, YOU WILL NEED TO WRITE YOUR OWN ESSAY OVER THE MATTER, taking into account the results you get.
You will be assessed according to the following items: – Use of English 4 points- Pronunciation & Fluency and Interaction 4 points- Group work and autonomous learning 1 points- Implementing technology appropriately 1 point
Results were really interesting.

After carrying out the survey, students needed to prepare an OPINION ESSAY on the matter
According to the results that we have received from the survey, you will need to write an OPINION ESSAY on the topic:
«Mobile Phone use (and abuse) among teenagers»